Nat Lee Show

Nat Lee Show

Show Info

Genres: House , Music
Call in: 07960 240198

Show Times

Timezone: BST [UTC+1]
00:00 - 02:00
[ - ]

About the Show

Presented by Nat Lee

Two hours of the hottest house music on the planet in the mix with DJ Nat Lee.

From Sound system boy to DJ to presenter to producer, Nat Lee is “the voice of a thousand raves”…

…“if Carlsberg did DJs…..” (definitely not my words!!!) ((…they told me to blow my own trumpet))

Born and raised in the musical melting pot of West London I was exposed to the music of the world from an early age and influenced by everything that I heard.

From the classic sounds of the birth of dance, explosion of house, its evolution to jungle / drum & bass to UKG and now the emergence of the new age house sound; I consider it a privilege to ride this never ending musical wave, loving every single minute and am still just as passionate as I’ve always been about finding new music, tracks that push the envelope and re-invent the sound of this thing we call house. Its my addiction! Its my life!


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Published by

Miranda Rae

Miranda Rae is a Producer and Presenter with over 25 years experience of working in radio and music industries including her own weekly show on BBC Radio 5 for which she won a Sony Award and many years on the infamous Galaxy Radio where Miranda played a pivotal role in the UK’s music scene. Miranda assists in overseeing, and helps to curate over 50 programmes a week. The role is multi-faceted and includes training, broadcasting, producing, programming, supporting emerging talent, social media, PR & publicity, event management and stage management, employing many technical skills including editing and using many different software as a user and a programmer.