Ujima Radio Broadcasting Live from Glen’s Café in St Paul’s Learning Centre – Thursday 22nd February – 10am and 2pm

Ujima Radio is coming to you!

We’ll be broadcasting our specially extended final Let’s Talk About Blood and Organ Donation show live from Glen’s between 10am until 1pm. And we’ll be musically entertained by Faada Soljie for an hour between 1pm and 2pm.

Come and join Anndeloris Chacon from Bristol Black Carers, Miss Divine, Coord the Seeker and guests in conversation around the issues raised when discussing Blood and Organ transplants within our Black communities.

This Thursday 22nd February between 10am to 2pm come and join Ujima Radio Live in the community at Glen’s Café in St Paul’s Learning Centre or listen Live on 98FM, online, on DAB or listen to each episode displayed under the Show page for Let’s Talk About Blood and Organ Donation

See you there!

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