Women On The Airwaves with Clara Amfo

Have you thought about a career in radio or podcasting but just don’t know where to start? Want to learn how to be a great interviewer? Then join Sound Women SW for this series of online events. In this series we hear from leading women in radio & podcasting, and find out how they paved their way to success. In this event we will be giving you a chance to put your interview skills to the test and ask your questions. When you register make sure you email your question that you would like to ask Clara & we will choose the best ones & you can ask your question direct to Clara at the event, include a bit about yourself too.

Email your questions to: Soundwomennetwork@gmail.com

We have 1 hour with Clara to find out how she became one of the world’s leading broadcasters!

Sound Women SW are an organisation that aim to address gender & race inequality in the audio industries. We provide training, networking & support for women of all ages. In the last 3yrs we have taught over 1000 women & girls. We provide group and 1:1 training in all areas of radio and podcasting.

For more information email: SoundWomenNetwork@gmail.com

This event is supported by Sound Vision – Empowering Voices Less Heard



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Following Ujima Radio’s re-launch in September, the award-winning community station is set to see the return of The South West Chart show with new presenters. The specialist music show will return to the airwaves on Friday the 26th of November from 6-8 pm. With nightlife back in full swing, The Chart Show sets the scene for Friday nights out in Bristol.

Hosted by Daboothe, Maxx and Dawn, this new wave of the Chart Show will be an asset to local talent within the city of Bristol and surrounding areas. Ujima Radio’s Chart Show is the only independent chart show in the South West of England that honours emerging underground talent. 

Daboothe, Maxx and Dawn invite underground musicians in the South West to submit their music for radio airplay, with some healthy competition thrown into the mix. At the start of each month, the presenters will play a fresh selection of local music while encouraging listeners to vote for their favourites online. Votes are counted and the top ten selections will be announced the following weeks, with the top three winners announced in the final week of the month.

The Chart Show is one of Ujima Radio’s flagship shows. Previous rounds of the Chart Show have been hosted by Bristol’s Got Talent’s Nia Davis, Channel 4’s Stacey Olika and Wednesday Cruising Show Daboothe.

Last year’s relaunch of the Chart Show received a staggering 10,000 votes on the website between the months of September to November. Lauding a variety of singers, rappers and producers, the show will focus mostly on Rap, R&B and Pop music. 2020 saw a plethora of local talents such as Suchy, Lady Nade, K*Ners, Kavzad, Delocx, KDogg, and more. 

Young rapper KDogg had his radio debut on the Chart Show. His first single “Soon I’ll Be Just Fine” reached number 2 in March 2020. “I’m glad that the chart show is back! It brought a togetherness in the South West music scene and I’ve personally been waiting to submit my music  again and see well it does” – Kdogg

The show’s presenters are true music connoisseurs; heavily involved in the depths of Bristol’s rich and unique music scene. Daboothe and Maxx are renowned presenters of Wednesday Cruising and  “In The Now” which airs on stations nationwide. The pair are revered within the city’s Urban music scene and are well-known for their sharp, witty and upbeat presenting style. 

Rise Up Breakfast Show host Dawn looks forward to joining the pair, bringing along her eclectic taste in music. Dawn is a Journalist and up-and-coming DJ who loves to enjoy the fruits of Bristol’s energetic nightlife. 

“I’m constantly amazed by how talented and creative the city of Bristol is. In my 4 years living here, I have come across some incredible talent and really want to see Bristol’s musicians rise to the top!” – Dawn

“I am so excited for the relaunch of The Chart Show! A radio show that promotes emerging artists whilst encouraging healthy competition is exactly what the South West needs to elevate the talent within it.” – Maxx

“The chart show return is so great for emerging artists, it’s another small indicator of knowing if your song is a vibe!” – Daboothe

  • The Chart Show runs every Friday night from 6-8pm
  • Participants are to send CLEAN MP3 tracks to ujimachartshow@gmail.com
  • Under 18s must ask a parent for written permission to participate

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DJ Style on Bris-Story

One of the cities fasting growing online group, sharing stories & images from the past & present Bris – Story (How It Used To Be). Find out more of Bristol’s #history from those who were actually there, shaping their communities, contributing to the music & clubbing scene. All of which has been instrumental to the music landscape of the UK, and attracting thousand to the this city.

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NHS Organ Donation Week 2021

Ujima speaks to

Kate Anolue – a community leader and a former Mayor


Pastor Ian Sweeneys (faith leader)

What is organ donation and why is it important?


Organ donation is giving an organ to someone else who needs a transplant. This donation will greatly enhance or save the life of the person who receives the transplanted organ. This is even more important in ethnic communities as the requirement is high. Blood and tissue types need to match for a transplant to be successful, and organs from donors of the same ethnic background as the recipient are more likely to be a suitable match. Organ donation is an amazingly generous act and can save thousands of lives within our community every year. It is therefore very important to talk to your family about organ donation so hat they know about your decision, and it doesn’t come as a surprise to them. You should visit organdonation.nhs.uk for more information.

How to talk about organ donation with the family?

Your family will always be asked to support your decision but can overturn it if they aren’t sure what you want.

Follow these simple steps to get your conversation started and leave your loved ones certain about what you’ve decided.

1. Get the facts – Read up about organ donation on organdonation.nhs.uk

2. Find a talking point – Try talking about something you’ve seen in the news or on social media if it helps.

3. Relax – Have your chat over a cup of tea, or when spending time together.

4. Speak from the heart – Be as honest and open as you can be and listen to each other. You don’t have to agree!

5. Talk about your beliefs – Whatever your faith or beliefs, make them part of the conversation. Get helpful advice from our website or speak to your faith leader.

6. Grab the moment – Don’t put it off until tomorrow. If it seems like the right time, go for it! Get the whole family involved.

For more information www.organdonation.nhs.uk

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Ujima Radio A Fi We Tings

Ujima in collaboration with the Kuumba centre brings ‘A fi we tings‘ on the 4th September from 3-10pm.

We all know the challenges that Black led voluntary organisations have experienced during the last 17 months, maintaining the services they provide for the community without their regular sources of income.

Some organisations have not survived, some are experiencing continual financial difficulties, whilst some are managing to just weather the storm.

It is vital that we do not lose the bedrock and grassroots organisations in the city, and we support each other where we can.

Two of these Black led organisations (Ujima & Kuumba) are supporting each other and looking for support from the Bristol community with the purchasing of vital equipment and essential maintenance to keep their organisations functioning.

We invite you to attend our event on the 4th of September, come and be entertained with the music and sounds of Bristol’s finest DJ’s, artists and spoken word poets, ‘inna fi we style’.

All we ask is that you purchase a ticket with a donation to the event. If you are unable to attend, but wish to support, we will be grateful if you can still go ahead and buy a ticket.

Ujima & Kuumba centre look forward to seeing you all on the 4th September, it has been a while since we have been able to come together as a community.

Come and join Ujima Radio for its relaunch and day of celebration, music food and fun all the family.



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RIP Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry


Grammy Award-winning Jamaican music pioneer Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry passed on Sunday morning (August 29) at the Noel Holmes Hospital in Western Jamaica after battling illness. Born Rainford Hugh Perry in March 1936, he was 85 years old.

He died in hospital in Lucea, north-west Jamaica, local media reported.

Perry is known for his pioneering experiments in dub, which revolutionised not only reggae, but also hip hop, dance and other genres.

Perry was born in rural Jamaica in 1936 and moved to the capital Kingston in the early 1960s.

In a 1984 interview with NME magazine, he said: “My father worked on the road, my mother in the fields. We were very poor. I went to school… I learned nothing at all. Everything I have learned has come from nature.”

He started his music career in the 1950s as an assistant at a reggae music label, before moving up to become a recording artist with the same label.

Over the next seven decades Perry went on to work with a number of fellow music legends, including Bob Marley and the Beastie Boys.

He also won a Grammy in 2002, was nominated four other times – in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2014 – and received a Jamaican national honour, the Order of Distinction.



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Free Siyanda Campaign

On the 25, 2019 Siyanda Mngaza went on holiday to a Brecon campsite in Wales. Her family say that she was the victim of a racist attack. However Siyanda was then arrested by the Dyfed-Powys police. On March 13, she was sentenced to four and a half years in prison, by an all-white jury that found her guilty of grievous bodily harm (GBH).

Sandra Green talks to Siyanda’ s mother Cammilla Mngaza and Lee Jasper from the social movement Blaksox and he is also vice chair of BAME Lawyers 4 Justice

A public petition supporting Siyanda has attracted more than half a million signatures.


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Ujima Radio ‘Sisters With Voices’ 2016

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On Wednesday 5th October 2016 St. George’s concert hall came alive with the sound of sweet soulful voices and spoken words at the event ‘Sisters With Soul’, hosted by Ujima Radio. This all female line-up was to celebrate three legendary female community activists: Princess Campbell, Leotta Goodridge and Carmen Beckford. These women fought tirelessly for racial equality in Bristol and Britain and have inspired generations of community activists who continue to celebrate and promote female empowerment and equality.

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