Hurricane Beryl: Devastation – How you can help!

On July 1, Beryl made landfall on islands in the Caribeean, Carriacou, Petite Martinique & Greneda felt the full force as a high-end Category 4 hurricane, causing total devastation. Over 95% of all structures have been decimated. Ujima Radio spoke with John Ridley, reporter on Ujima Radio who has family on the islands and gave us the raw, harsh facts of what is really happening out there.  Help is urgently needed.  We will continue to keep you updated as one of Ujima’s reporters is on the way now to report back on what is really going on.  With infrastracture almost non existant and little or no elecricity, family and friends were left unable to contact them.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and residents of the islands.  But how can we help?  We recommend using official sites and can signpost you to the following official organisations.  Please do make sure to keep updated with what is needed.

In the wake of Hurricane Beryl, the beautiful nation stands at a critical juncture. The devastation left in its path has affected our homes, communities, and livelihoods. Yet, in this challenging time, we have an opportunity to come together and rebuild stronger than ever before.
They call upon all citizens to embrace the spirit of volunteerism. Your time, skills, and dedication can make a profound difference in the recovery process. Whether it’s clearing debris, assisting with rebuilding homes, providing support at shelters, or offering professional expertise, every effort counts.
Volunteerism not only aids in physical reconstruction but also fosters a sense of unity and resilience. Together, we can restore communities and demonstrate the indomitable spirit of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique.
Join in this vital endeavor. Let’s rebuild Grenada, hand in hand, and show the world strength and solidarity.

This is the contact for anyone in the Grenada region or here in the UK who would like to volunteer their services for the Hurricane Beryl relief effort:

National Democratic Congress of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique


Tel: +1 473-435-1817


This recent film from Carriacou includes an interview with owner Alison and footage from Paradise Beach club, where Bearnie and and John Ridley (Ujima fam) (Artuba) have played music on numerous occasions. But the video also contains a message of hope and renewal:


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Miranda Rae

Miranda Rae is a Producer and Presenter with over 25 years experience of working in radio and music industries including her own weekly show on BBC Radio 5 for which she won a Sony Award and many years on the infamous Galaxy Radio where Miranda played a pivotal role in the UK’s music scene. Miranda assists in overseeing, and helps to curate over 50 programmes a week. The role is multi-faceted and includes training, broadcasting, producing, programming, supporting emerging talent, social media, PR & publicity, event management and stage management, employing many technical skills including editing and using many different software as a user and a programmer.