Ujima speaks to
Kate Anolue – a community leader and a former Mayor
Pastor Ian Sweeneys (faith leader)
What is organ donation and why is it important?
Organ donation is giving an organ to someone else who needs a transplant. This donation will greatly enhance or save the life of the person who receives the transplanted organ. This is even more important in ethnic communities as the requirement is high. Blood and tissue types need to match for a transplant to be successful, and organs from donors of the same ethnic background as the recipient are more likely to be a suitable match. Organ donation is an amazingly generous act and can save thousands of lives within our community every year. It is therefore very important to talk to your family about organ donation so hat they know about your decision, and it doesn’t come as a surprise to them. You should visit organdonation.nhs.uk for more information.
How to talk about organ donation with the family?
Your family will always be asked to support your decision but can overturn it if they aren’t sure what you want.
Follow these simple steps to get your conversation started and leave your loved ones certain about what you’ve decided.
1. Get the facts – Read up about organ donation on organdonation.nhs.uk
2. Find a talking point – Try talking about something you’ve seen in the news or on social media if it helps.
3. Relax – Have your chat over a cup of tea, or when spending time together.
4. Speak from the heart – Be as honest and open as you can be and listen to each other. You don’t have to agree!
5. Talk about your beliefs – Whatever your faith or beliefs, make them part of the conversation. Get helpful advice from our website or speak to your faith leader.
6. Grab the moment – Don’t put it off until tomorrow. If it seems like the right time, go for it! Get the whole family involved.
For more information www.organdonation.nhs.uk