We’d just like to say a massive…
for tuning in every week and engaging with us on such a taboo subject – it means a lot to us.
None of this would be possible without the talent, passion and drive of our hosts

And of course the knowledgable, esteemed and powerhouse that is…
Annedeloris Chacon from Bristish Black Carers. All three of them have done such a great job in asking and answering questions on a topic our community hasn’t engaged in with an open mind….for very valid reasons!
We do not know where our gift of goes, but it does save someones life
It sure does! On to the episode….
As always, brought to you by…
Check out some of the pictures:
Now listen to the show if you missed it – click on the link below and share if you care. Don’t forget to leave a comment!
Audio PlayerReady to donate? Click here to find out more. And keep an eye out for more information on sickle cell…coming soon!